6 Way Flex Ultimate Movement System Stirrup Irons

6 Way Flex Ultimate Movement System Stirrup Irons
6 Way Ultimate Movement System Stirrups w/Carry Bag + Stainless Steel Pads
These stirrups with the patent pending 6 Way Ultimate Movement System can move in any direction!
Extremely smooth technology offers forward, backward and side to side movement as well as impact resistance.
Includes a free carry bag and stainless-steel grip pads.
Available in 4 1/2” and 4 3/4”
Use metal polish on the stainless steel, and hand wash the stirrup pads with mild soap and water and a scrub brush. Rinse all thoroughly and allow to air-dry.
Finding the correct size stirrup irons:
A correctly fitted stirrup should have 1/2” of space on each side of the ball of the foot.
Ideally the stirrup won’t be too snug or too wide, as this can make it more challenging to maintain the correct foot position.
Generally, a ladies size 7 boot can be either a 4 1/2” or a 4 3/4” depending on the foot width.
Size 7 and below are a 4 1/2”, while size 7 and above are 4 3/4”.
Very petite women and children use a 4 1/4”, while very small children may require even smaller sizes.
Most men wear a 4 3/4” stirrup while men with larger feet or very wide feet use a 5” or larger.