Absorbine UltraShield EX Fly Spray (Copy)

Absorbine UltraShield EX Fly Spray (Copy)


Absorbine UltraShield EX is a sweat resistant, weatherproof insecticide and repellent. The fly spray for horses and dogs provides up to 17 days protection. It kills and repels stable flies, horn flies, house flies, face flies, horse flies, deer flies, cluster flies, sciarid flies, mosquitoes, gnats, midges, punkies, no-see-ums, fleas, ticks, chiggers and lice. The Absorbine fly repellent is a water-based formula and contains multiple sunscreens and coat conditioners, including aloe and lanolin for additional luster and conditioning.

Absorbine UltraShield EX is safe for use on horses, ponies, foals over 12 weeks of age, and dogs. May be used as a premise spray to kill insects on contact. UltraShield EX contains 0.10% pyrethrins, 1.0% piperonyl butoxide, and 0.50% permethrin. Citronella scent.

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